Demo Update 1

  • Make enemies aggro and go towards player after being attacked (Mostly concerning the archer class enemies won't continue standing still but will now move towards you)
  • Added UI Info to all the well... UI's (Showing the select and ESC button at the bottom to select and go back / close)
  • Removed the C as a cancel or go back button (can still be used but is not indicated anywhere) and switched to esc
  • Added a little shake effect when taking damage (GIF attached)
  • (Hopefully) Fixed the F Actions named by jufb (I could not properly test this myself so please provide feedback if its still bugged!)
  • Minor Update to the Map (1 Monster Kill Quest, 1 Item Fetch Quest and 2 new NPC's to give you the quests)

Files Play in browser
Apr 25, 2024

Get Emberborne [Demo]

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